About Me

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Mr. Sunil Chachlani is a AFP with almost 2 decades of rich professional experience backing his financial advisory practice. He has also undergone multiple international professional certifications including AFP, C.P.F.A., Diploma in Financial Management and many more. He has worked at various management positions in distinguished MNC’s throughout his career and has gained high competency in human relationship skills and people development. His leadership is proving to bring quantifiable results in the lives of his esteemed customers. Mr. Chachlani strongly believes in the importance of nurturing relationships and respecting human bond. His close friendly association with his customers has helped him propagate the importance of wealth building quite successfully in his clients lives. He loves carrying out complete Financial Planning for his clients by going through their lifestyle with respect to their expenses & income. Advising the method and type of investment to achieve Financial Freedom and goals for various events in life.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


 Does money alone make you rich? The answer is a very straight NO. Money alone does not make you rich. We all know people who go to work every day, working for money, making more money, but fail to get rich.
Ironically, many only grow deeper in debt with each dollar they earn. We have all heard stories of lottery winners who became instant millionaires, who suddenly became poor again (much poorer than before).
Many of us know of individuals who have lost money investing in the stock market. Even investing in gold, the world's only real money, can also cost the investor to lose money.

So if money alone doesn't make you rich then what makes you rich? It's..

Financial Intelligence:
In today's world, financial education is absolutely essential for survival, regardless of whether we are rich or poor, smart or not smart.
As most of us know, we now live in the Information Age. The problem with the Information Age is being information overloaded.

Today, there is way too much information, so much more than we can handle. That's why financial education is extremely important, without financial education, people cannot process these information into useful knowledge.

A question before we carry on, do you think that money is the root to all evil?
Is Money the root to all evil?

Many of us seem to think that money has some sort of quasi-religious or cult-like taint to it, believing that the love of money is the root of all evil.

As most of us know, it is not the love of money that is evil.. It is the lack of money that causes evil. It is working in a job we hate that is evil. Working hard yet not earning enough to provide our families is evil. For some, being deeply in debt is evil. Fighting with people we love over money is evil. Being greedy is evil. And committing criminal or immoral acts to get money is evil. Money by itself is not evil. Money is just money.. A mere paper, that's it!

How to Improve Your Financial Education?
You can first start by reading Rich Dad Poor Dad written by Robert Kiyosaki - founder of the RichDad Company or you could start by playing Cashflow101 board game (also created by Robert Kiyosaki and his team). Much of the content in this post is referred to his books and teaching.
Interestingly, Robert's mentioned in several of his books that he failed English during his school days because he couldn't write, read and punctuate. But to me, I think he's one of the best author out there. He can simplify a complex subject like accounting, cash flow management etc (which I took many years to learn but still couldn't understand) till so easy that even such a person like me (a pea brain) can totally understand what he's trying to bring across in just a few days after reading his books.
Every time I finish reading his books (Yes I read and re-read his books over and over again), I felt like I have a personal conversation with him. That's how great his books are.
What makes Robert's book different from the majority of the business books out there is that Robert talks about his failure more often than he talks about his success, he believe that we can learn a lot more from his failure than from his success.
In my humble and honest opinion, his books are of great value and is easily worth a lot more than a mere $20. So if you're interesting in buying Rich Dad Poor Dad or the Cashflow101 board game, I highly encourage you to get them now. Head over to Amazon.com, hopefully there's still some stock left for you to purchase at a discounted price.
Read more Motivation quotes, articles, stories at Motivation for Success blog.

 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7030215

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